EXPLORE: History and Destiny Patch by Tim Gagnon


This patch celebrates the 65 year history of NASA but in a broader sense the effort since 1958 to launch satellites into space in an effort to learn about our universe.

The red vector wing represents safe flight both in the atmosphere as represented by the sky blue area in the lower left as well as space in the center.

The Earth is in the foreground as the place our efforts begin. The Moon, past and future goal celebrates the Apollo and Artemis programs. The planet Mars beckons as the ultimate Artemis program destination and Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system awaits future visits.

EXPLORE- the title of this patch sums up our curiosity and desire that motivates these efforts.

is a quote from writer and friend David Hitt that he posted before the launch of Artemis I. It just resonated with me so perfectly, I hope it touches others too.

I am a child of Apollo, my children and grandchildren are of the Artemis Generation living at the dawn of the “Orbital Age” - Destiny awaits.

Tim Gagnon

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