Percival Lowell Mars Globe - 6-inch
For the first time ever, Astronomy magazine has partnered with the Lowell Observatory to create a truly unique globe. This high-quality injection molded 6" globe clearly depicts the intricate details Percival Lowell included on his 1911 Mars drawing. Among the most intriguing...
6" Pluto Globe
Custom-produced by the Astronomy team and Ross A. Beyer of NASA's New Horizons team, this highly-detailed globe is perfect for exploring Pluto. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft launched in 2006 and reached Pluto in 2015. As soon as it began to...
Moon Globe - 6-inch
Explore the Moon, Earth’s closest celestial body, captured in this highly-detailed 6” desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. Just a decade ago, NASA launched what is arguably the most successful robotic lunar explorer in the history of human spaceflight - the Lunar Reconnaissance...
Mercury Globe - 6-inch
Explore Mercury with this vibrant 6" globe created in "enhanced color" to emphasize the variances on the planet's surface. Astronomy magazine is proud to unveil the all-new 6" Mercury Globe - available exclusively from Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine,...
6" Neptune Globe
Explore Neptune, the eighth and most distant planet in our solar system, with this highly-detailed 6" desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. It was created by the staff of Astronomy magazine using a 3D model of the ice giant planet from NASA's Visualization...
6" Mars Globe
Explore the Red Planet, captured in this highly-detailed 6” desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. Just after America’s bicentennial, on July 20, 1976, NASA’s Viking 1 became the first spacecraft to touch down on Mars and succeed with its mission. The Viking...
6" Earth Globe
Explore Earth, our unique terrestrial planet, with this highly-detailed 6" desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. It was created by the staff of Astronomy magazine using several maps that are part of NASA's Blue Marble Collection, which are a subset of the agency's Visible...
Jupiter Globe - 6-inch
Marvel at the ever-changing surface of Jupiter, captured in this stunning 6" desktop globe, exclusively from Astronomy magazine. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine and Björn Jónsson, an Icelandic software developer and expert on converting spacecraft image data into stunning planetary maps,...
Saturn Globe - 6-inch
This custom-produced, injection molded 6-inch globe features 17 planetary features identified and labeled, a clear acrylic display base, and an informational flyer. The detachable 14.5" acrylic rings feature 7 regions identified and labeled. Created by the Astronomy team, this 6-inch Saturn Globe is essential for any astronomy enthusiast's collection. Saturn is...
6" Venus Globe
Explore the fascinating and unforgiving surface of Venus with this highly-detailed 6" desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine along with USGS cartographer, Trent Hare, this globe was produced using images from the Magellan Venus Radar Mapper,...
6" Uranus Globe
Explore Uranus, the largest ice giant in our solar system, with this highly-detailed 6" desktop globe from Astronomy magazine. It was developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine using a 3D model of the planet from NASA's Visualization Technology Applications and Development....
Mars Globe - 12-inch
Take an exciting adventure to the Red Planet, Mars, with the greatest ever globe showing Mars’s surface features! Mars has a long and unique history of fascinating us humans on Earth dating back to the 19th century when Italian astronomer...
Moon Globe - 12-inch
Explore the Moon, Earth’s closest celestial body, captured in this all new, updated, highly-detailed 12” desktop globe. It's the most complete and feature-filled globe of its kind. Just a decade ago, NASA launched what is arguably the most successful robotic...
Day & Night Globe - 12-inch
Day & Night Globe – 2 globes in 1! Learn geography and astronomy with this beautiful and educational globe. By day, it displays countries, states, capitals, and more. By night, it transforms into a glowing star map with 88 constellations...
Sun Globe - 6-inch
Explore the Sun with this stunning 6" globe that features the outer atmosphere in three different ultraviolet wavelengths. This globe uses images of the Sun that feature the more active corona, captured at ultraviolet wavelengths the human eye cannot see. ...
Europa Globe
Get to know Jupiter's icy moon Europa with this gorgeous 12” desktop globe, created in “enhanced color” to emphasize color differences on the planet’s surface. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine, this globe was produced using images from Voyager 1, Voyager...
Venus Globe - 12-inch
Pull back the veil on Venus and explore the fascinating and unforgiving surface that hides beneath the clouds! Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine along with USGS cartographer, Trent Hare, this globe was produced using images from the Magellan Venus...
Milky Way Globe - 6-inch
Explore the Milky Way with this detailed 6" desktop globe, exclusively from Astronomy magazine. From a dark site on a clear summer or winter night, you'll see a band of light arching across the sky. Thousands of years ago, people imagined the...
Jupiter Globe - 12-inch
Get to know the "gas giant" with this stunning 12" desktop globe, the first ever high resolution globe of the planet. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine and Björn Jónsson, an Icelandic software developer and expert on converting spacecraft image data into...
Exoplanet Globe - 6-inch
Explore Proxima Centauri b, a terrestrial planet circling the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, with this exclusive 6-inch desktop globe. Weighing in at nearly 1.3 Earth masses and likely a bit larger than our home planet, Proxima b...
Mercury Globe - 12-inch
Get to know the planet closest to the sun with this gorgeous 12” desktop globe, created in “enhanced color” to emphasize color differences on the planet’s surface. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine, this globe was produced using images from...
Enceladus Globe - 12-inch
Get to know Saturn's sixth largest moon, which has the most reflective surface of any object in our solar system, with this stunning 12" desktop globe. Astronomy magazine is proud to unveil the all-new Enceladus Globe. Using data from Cassini...
Constellation Globe - 12-inch
Delight an astronomer-in-training with the Lighted Constellation Globe! This beautiful and educational globe shows the sun, moon, and stars on a beautiful sky-blue background by day. At night, the globe illuminates to reveal the illustrated characters of the constellations –...
Ganymede Globe
Get to know the largest and most massive satellite in our solar system with this stunning 12" desktop globe. Developed by Trent Hare at the United States Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center using data supplied by the Galileo, Voyager 1, and...
Titan Globe
Get to know the solar system's second largest moon with this stunning 12" desktop globe. Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine using a combined mosaic produced by researchers including Stéphane Le Mouélic, Benoit Seignovert, Eric Karkoschka, Virginia Pasek, and Emily...
Pluto Globe - 12-inch
In 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft whizzed past Pluto up-close for the first time in history. Soon after, the Astronomy team began working with Ross A. Beyer, a Geology and Geophysics Imaging Team Affiliate for the New Horizons spacecraft, and the New...
Callisto Globe
Get to know one of the most heavily cratered moons in our solar system with this stunning 12" desktop globe. Astronomy magazine is proud to unveil the all-new Callisto Globe - available exclusively through Developed by Trent Hare at the...
Eclipse Globe - 6-inch
Featuring 50 years of eclipses spanning from 2021 to 2070, this exclusive 6-inch Eclipse Globe was created as a partnership from Astronomy magazine and retired NASA astrophysicist and eclipse expert Fred Espenak. The all-new globe displays 32 total eclipses and 5 hybrid eclipses on...
Planetary 6" Globes - Set of 9
Save 15% when you buy this set today! Exclusively from Astronomy magazine, own this set of 9 planetary globes! The set includes: Mercury - created in "enhanced color" to emphasize variances on the planet's surface Venus - produced using images from the Magellan Venus...
Sun, Moon, and Earth 6" Globes - Set of 3
Save 15% when you buy this set today! Exclusively from Astronomy magazine, own a set of 6" globes featuring the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The set includes: Sun - created using images of the Sun that feature the more active corona, captured at...
Inner Planet Globes - Set of 3
Save 15% when you buy this set today! Exclusively from Astronomy magazine, own a set of 12" globes featuring the inner planets. The set includes: Mercury - the planet closest to the sun, shown in "enhanced color" to emphasize differences on the planet's...