• Learning The Basics Of Laser Space Communication Systems

    Laser beams have been used for space communication systems since their inception in 1960. Scientists believed that laser had the potential to transfer data at very high speeds, but also needed specific advancements in systems engineering and component performance, particularly for space-compatible hardware. Developments in data formatting, component technology and system architecture over the last couple of years have made laser communication systems in...
  • Getting Used to Walking Again

    Getting Used to Walking Again
      Janet, a 42 year old astronaut at the time working for NASA's Johnson Space Center, was referred to physiotherapist because she had a hard time balancing while walking. Her physician ruled out any other cause for this condition and zeroed in on the long-term stay in zero gravity of space. Additionally, she had trouble concentrating at her new job and experienced trouble while...
  • Teamwork at NASA is Crucial

    Teamwork at NASA is Crucial
      Space travel is a big human project that started more than 50 years ago during the “cold war” when the United States recognized the technical advances of their rival Soviet Union (now the Russian Federation). The program developed out of a military culture. The first people to enter space were military test pilots and those developing increasingly advanced aircraft and aerospace vehicles. The...
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