The True Depths of Space
Space is so vast and diverse; it has become the focus of astronomers and mathematicians in their personal descriptions of the divide between the rational and irrational. This means, the universe is so far-reaching, it is itself a physical model of infinity. To peer beyond the familiar constructs and features of the Milky Way into other galaxies, is a virtual ticket to an excursion through time itself.
Certain NASA-inspired technologies, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, have transmitted high resolution photographs of the corners of space almost unreachable even by the imagination. These discoveries are quite paradoxical. While they reveal elements of the known universe, each discovery creates a gaggle of new questions about the nature of the universe itself. Though human science and technology has revealed much about Earth's home galaxy (the Milky Way), including spatial elements having and outside influence on our solar system, the nature of other universal sectors remains mysterious.
Since the scope of the universe is beyond the lifespan of humans, their influence, and earthly concepts of time, NASA is developing several specific discovery missions that encompass “space within reach.” If the scientists at NASA are correct, in-depth examination of closer celestial bodies will reveal a treasure trove of information. In the world of space exploration, 2+2 always equals more than 4. An understanding of Earth's nature, combined with the knowledge of another planet's features, will likely increase human knowledge of the universe as a whole, at an exponential rate. This is precisely why NASA's main focus is now the alien planet of Mars.
Last year, NASA sent an armada of helicopter-like drones to the Martian planet. These vehicles mapped and recorded information much faster than their land-based rover cousins. NASA Products can be found in regards to this event. Now, if scientists can uncover the similarities and planetary ties between Mars and Earth, the conclusions will provide eye-opening, long-distance relationships that reflect how the universe as a whole works.
While light and time-oriented technologies capture moments in space like the formation of a black hole, or the snuffing of a white giant star, NASA is busy devising plans to extrapolate universal constants, concluded from practical and entirely reachable sources. It is possible that some of the unknowns in the far reaches of the universe can be understood better with an examination of near-Earth bodies. NASA's short-term plans will not only help the USA lead the world in space discovery, but it will continually set standards for advances into the unknown.