Why Do Asteroids and Comets Move So Fast in Space?


A comet or asteroid is a body in the Sun’s orbit. They are made up of ice, dust, metal, and rocks. Asteroids are found between the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter, and a comet is an icy body in space that goes beyond Jupiter in the Sun’s orbit. Their composition and size determine their movement in space; they don’t have to be significantly huge to move so fast. However, big objects travel more quickly in space, given their distance from the Sun. Asteroids are made of rocks and metals; therefore, they are denser than comets and move faster.

Comets and asteroids are moving too fast in space because they are falling. Asteroids contain metals such as nickel, iron, and iron-nickel alloys. So when these space components enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they are subjected to friction, which causes heating, and if these metals or air are heated, they expand. The asteroids then lose mass due to expansion, increasing their speed as they come towards Earth.

These objects are usually kept in their orbits with every space object's velocity. The average rate of space objects' velocity is 25km/s, and their speed increases if they go near the Sun. Asteroids and comets when they approach the atmosphere. Some of them will move very fast depending on their angle of rotation and their gravitational pull.

How Do Asteroids Move In Space?

It would be best to note that asteroids travel at different speeds; some are faster than others. Asteroids have different compositions and sizes and travel along unique paths in space. They have gravity, which holds their mass into equilibrium. Other bodies, such as the Earth, pull asteroids in space with a strong gravitational pull because asteroids have lower gravity. This can force the asteroid to move into the orbit of another body revolving around the Sun.

Thus, their movement is influenced by the gravitational forces they experience as they revolve around the Sun. In some instances, they have usually been pushed away, especially when two asteroids collide or one asteroid hits another. Asteroids also hit planets, but at a low speed.

How Comets Move Through Space

The movement of comets involves two types of motion; the comet tail’s activity and the comet’s nucleus motion. The comet's nucleus is believed to be the head of the comet or the comet. The nucleus is made up of dust and ice, which float in space. The comet’s tail is made of dust particles, enabling the comet to fly from one part to another in space. Comets usually have bony orbits, while planets and asteroids have circular orbits. They can move slowly or fast depending on their position in their orbit.

The Earth’s gravitational pull also attracts comets to its orbit. Like asteroids, comets collide in space, creating more complex objects. However, the collision can disintegrate the comet to form tiny particles attracted by other comets and asteroids.

How And Why Does The Air Burn Asteroids Into Gas?

The asteroids are burned into gas because of the Sun’s heat. As these bodies rotate, they expose themselves to the rays of the Sun. Its surface is heated, and it vaporizes. However, when an asteroid is hot and a comet or meteoroid hits it, it also turns into a gas, disappears into space, or joins other asteroid surfaces. It means if there are more collisions between asteroids and comets and meteoroids, more asteroids may turn into gas and disappear.

The following procedures explain how asteroids are burned to gas:

1. An asteroid is heated due to friction or radiation from the Sun or stars. This often happens when they are exposed to the stars or Sun.

2. When the asteroid gets hot enough, its body of atoms starts cracking, and it eventually breaks into pieces. When exposed to more heat, these pieces burn to form gases.

How And Why Does The Air Burn Comets Into Gases?

It is a similar process to what happens to asteroids. Due to the nature of their bodies, when comets enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they are compressed by the air; their temperature rises significantly. The comet, therefore, heats up so much until it glows. This comet burns entirely due to the exceptionally high temperatures, forming gases.


  • Posted on by Scott
    Holy hell Vaughan. I’m all ears, please tell me what happens at the edge of our atmosphere then. Or actually if you can prove anything at all, like literally anything, I’d pay for you to go to space
  • Posted on by Againts Vaughan Scott
    No, heliem rises because air is denser than it. helium stays in earths atmosphere but it stays up so high it really shouldn’t be called part of earths atmosphere. By the way, earths true atmosphere extends beyond the moons just like how the suns atmosphere extends beyond the solar system.
  • Posted on by Againts Vaughan Scott
    No, heliem rises because air is denser than it. helium stays in earths atmosphere but it stays up so high it really shouldn’t be called part of earths atmosphere. By the way, earths true atmosphere extends beyond the moons just like how the suns atmosphere extends beyond the solar system.
  • Posted on by Vaughan Scott
    So earths “gravitational pull” draws comets towards it. Yet that same gravitational pull cant stop a helium balloon from rising off the earth or stop an air bubble rising from the depth of the ocean. This is nonsense. Space is fake people.
  • Posted on by Mark Charlton
    Thank You for the info

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