An Astronaut’s Ice Cream fan? Space Myth Debunked for Honest Citizens on Earth
Do you know, astronauts before going away on critical missions in the outer-space, while orbiting around the earth, and during their extended missions, willingly leave behind freshly cooked food, snacks (unhealthy and fried)? You won’t believe a few things astronauts have to gulp down in desperation when they are nautical miles away from the earth’s surface, way too far to fetch a subway delivery... -
The Average Temperature Aboard The Space Station
We were curious as to what this system is like and what the temperature and climate aboard the ISS are actually like. -
NASA's Oxygen Systems
Everyone knows there is no oxygen in space. So how do the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) get their oxygen? The answer to this question is a little more complicated than one would expect.