NASA's Use of Droids

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NASA Droids Open the Door to Important Discoveries

Out of Kepler telescope’s many missions, its most important involved searching for exoplanets throughout the Milky Way. Of the 1,028 confirmed planets, most would have been hostile to life as we know it. Some planets, however, as speculated by scientists, contained liquid water and were the necessary size and distance from their suns to support life. Such findings fuel the imagination, but there’s only one surefire way to detect life outside of our solar system, and that’s to send someone or something there. 

The universe is immense, and as technology advances the world hungers for more information. At the same time, though, purse strings everywhere, even for NASA, have been tightened, so every mission must be completed as cheaply and efficiently as possible. In comparison to the costs necessary to launch a satellite, probe, or rover into space, droids are cheap, and they can be put in extreme situations a human couldn’t tolerate. And unlike large, bulky pieces of equipment, their compactness means they could be manufactured by the thousands. Imagine a future where they hurtled through space in every direction. Imagine if one, just one, detected the signatures for life.

Even here on planet Earth droids have merit. Properly constructed, they could withstand the pressures necessary to dive deep below the ocean’s surface. Even today, with all our advanced technology, ninety-five percent of Earth’s oceans remain unexplored. Imagine the geographical features and species still waiting to be discovered. In addition, they could be sent to other hostile areas, such as deserts or active volcano.

Final Thoughts

Based on cost and practicality, droids will be the scouts of the future. They will help us avoid a wild goose chase across the heavens and beneath our oceans, and when they do discover something worthwhile, we’ll know it’s time to throw our ingenuity, effort, and technology into finding out more.

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  • Posted on by Timothyalola

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